Friday, January 14, 2011

Quick Thoughts: No federal funds means federal control?

NPR is fearful of more governmental intrusion over two recent bills introduced by Rep Doug Lamborn to cut off federal subsidies to NPR and reduce federal spending.

I would understand if the fear were about losing money and suddenly having to compete in the marketplace that everyone else in radio does, but I'm a little confused about being afraid of the government controlling your broadcasting without giving you money? 

That's a bit odd, because when you loose federal funding, you usually loose the strings that come with that money. When the federal government gives you the strings without the money, that's called an unfunded mandate. Usually, only States have to deal with both funded and unfunded mandates from the feds (think No Child Left Behind and Obamacare) and they hate both.

You would think that the fact Rep. Slaughter (remember her rule that would have "deemed" Obamacare into law without a vote?) is trying to increase FCC control what is said and how it is said over the airwaves would be more worrisome for NPR.

It makes you wonder if NPR is trying to be a propaganda machine?

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