Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sarah Palin as Eva Peron?

Eugene Robinson, in his editorial today (click here to read it), said that Sarah Palin, reminds him of Eva Peron. ...Really?

Perhaps he meant to compare the way in which they both came to govern? Oh, wait, no, Eva Peron was never elected (though she was nominated once).

Since Evita didn't ever win an election maybe he means that they gained popularity and power the same way?  If that is the case then Robinson is calling Palin some sort of whore or slut; Evita slept her way to the top. 
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Lessons from Tucson: Part II

The tragedy of the shooting in Tucson leaves people asking all sorts of questions.  "Why did he do it?" "Why didn't someone stop him before he started shooting" "Can such tragedies be prevented" etc.  One of the answers that the politicians love to give is that yes it can be prevented (giving comfort to their constituents) and all they have to do is pass a bill to provide more protection. Protection, a word which here means restrictive and ineffective laws, is usually anything but. (read more...)