Monday, January 10, 2011

Quick Thoughts: Protecting us from Carbon Dioxide

Barbara Boxer vowed on January 6th to use every tool available to thwart the Republican plans to step back the Environmental Protection Agency climate regulatory powers. Aside from the fact that the Constitution didn't give congress the authority to set up an agency to "protect" the environment, Congress didn't pass a law giving the EPA regulatory power over CO2. Why on earth would a member of Congress fight to give an executive office powers not given to them?

The whole idea of checks and balances built into the Constitution is to stop the government from gaining too much power. Just think of the crabs in the bucket analogy and you'll understand the reason why.

Why do we want the federal government to control a gas that's (literally) as easy as breathing to create?

CO2, by the way, is necessary for plants to live, and plants thrive when they have more amounts of it. And, just as a brief global warming refresher, if we didn't have heat trapping gasses like CO2, the surface of the earth would burn in the day, and freeze over at night

Makes you wonder how the EPA is going to improve your life (and that of your plants) by regulating CO2.

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