According to President Obama, "...if we truly care about our deficit, we simply cannot afford a permanent extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. Before we take money away from our schools, or scholarships away from our students, we should ask millionaires to give up their tax breaks."
Is the President seriously asking us to suspend our reasonable disbelief and buy his argument about whose responsibility the deficit is? That doesn't make sense; Every spending bill signed by President Obama directly added to the ever increasing federal deficit.
If he truly cared about the deficit would he have voted for TARP, signed multiple Stimulus packages into law, accepted the 2010 budget, or signed Obamacare into law? (For more on Obamacare's real impact see here). Don't forget Congress either; they usually seem more interested in backscratching and logrolling (promising spending favors for votes) than in good fiscal policy.
Remind me, again, how the "rich" are responsible for the government's budgetary disaster?
To parse the President's verbose castigation of the rich, we find that not only are the wealthy responsible for making sure Congress can pay down the deficit, but also the money they earn is not really theirs. The only reason the wealthy are supposed to make money is to fund the Federal Government. So at the behest of an overly beneficent government they have kept 65% of "their" income for the past few years but now (well, not this year now, but next year) the time for mercy is past and now the government will give them checks for 58% to 61% of their stated income.
But even raising the rates on the wealthy and passing Obama's deficit cuts won't reduce the deficit much, if at all. And Congress has a terrible habit of always spending more, especially when tax rates are going up; its as though they were addicted to drugs. So why raise their rates?
As flippant as congressional spending (and its accompanying motivation) has been, neither it nor the deficit are the issue at stake. The answer, and the real issue, is about exerting control over the "colonialists" of our day and forcing them to atone for their "sins" of being wealthy.
Yes that is a big claim to make and a little hard to trace, but it is valid nonetheless. Obama talks several times in his book, Dreams from My Father,
The President isn't your run-of-the-mill leftist with communist sympathies He's an ideologue committed to humiliating America and her rich because he thinks they're guilty.
That's why his statement about tax rates is so disconcerting and why he is dangerous in office.
He's just singing the same old song...
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