Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why I’m Conservative

Why I’m Conservative
By N. D. Cordon

In this highly polarized political era in which we live, its easy to develop a us vs. them mentality; Republicans vs. Democrats, conservatives vs. liberals, right vs. left, us vs. them. With such a mentality, it’s easy to forget that we aren’t always right and that each side has valid points.  So here's why I side with the conservatives.

I am a conservative because I believe people need to work. I worry the way the welfare system currently functions promotes unemployment as recipients often are content to stay unemployed living off of government welfare, with no desire to search for a job. I agree, there are circumstances where people need help up, but these people should actively search to stand on their own feet again without assistance. Under the current system, that doesn’t happen.

I am a conservative because I believe our country needs to do more to protect our border. I worry people misunderstand me when I say this. I am not against legal immigration, nor am I racist. I believe that our country needs immigrants and that these immigrants do many things to make our country great. Illegal immigrants, however, damage our nation. Illegal immigration invites crime to spread and fester in poor areas where no one calls the cops for fear they will be deported. Many illegal immigrants face a worse life here then they once had as they are exploited for cheap labor free of employee taxes, and since their pay is so low, many turn to crime, furthering the rise of crime.

I am conservative because I believe big government increases the bureaucracy in Washington and decreases the effectiveness of the democratic republic. I worry the bigger the government; the easier certain rights are given away by the people and revoked by the government. Rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to peaceably assemble, or freedom to own and bear arms can easily end with the formation of a large, and potentially paranoid, government. You may call me crazy, yet it has happened time and time again in history, and nothing prevents it from happening here.

Finally, I am a conservative because it falls closer into many of my own social beliefs. I do not agree with gay and lesbian marriage. I don’t believe abortion is a right, but rather a tool only to be used in times where the mother’s life is in danger, or in cases of rape/sodomy.

So there it is. I may not explain myself well, but my beliefs are sincere. I hope we can cooperate now. I hope that maybe when you understand my beliefs, and I understand yours, we can step away from the tense political situation to once again work together and get things done. You contribute a little, I’ll contribute a little, and with some compromises, maybe we can arrive at a more perfect union.


  1. Wouldn't making the illegals legals give America more people that can contribute to society, pay taxes and not be a burden, and decrease crime with no fear of being deported?

  2. They already do contribute to society. But do we judge those who commit identity fraud based on the benefits they give to society or do we judge them based on the laws that were broken?

  3. Well which would you rather have? Less people getting an opportunity for a better life or more people being deported because of a broken system?

  4. Why I'm not a conservative
    I think class warfare is the debate of our times and that those who don't see it are being naive and dangerous to the multitude of the population.

    Global warming is another immediate danger that is not being taken seriously enough by politicians and not even believed in by Republicans due to the extreme propaganda put out by the corporations that fear losing money for having to clean up their mess. Its a lack of accountability that is fought for by those that are against regulation and is revealing to how they feel about the future and other people who share this world.

    Abortion, Mosques, NPR, etc. are just a bunch of distractions that Republicans use to manipulate people into voting for them. The real issues are the ones stated previously.

    War is the greatest hole for our money and is comparable to using a nail and hammer for a leaking pipe. If we want to save money then we need to cut defense. Then the money can be used to invest in the middle class- education, infrastructure and public services which are bleeding to death due to the lack of funds for the little guy.

    Corporations only have one agenda- increase the bottom line. All PR and marketing is designed to make us think that they're human and have qualities of compassion and responsibility but really all of that is just to increase the bottom line by earning the public's trust. For that reason they buy up politicians and policies that let them grow wildly unregulated and dangerous for everyone else.
